martes, 25 de octubre de 2011

English lessons: IF, WOULD.

  •  I always wanted to go to Russia, if were a wealthy boy, i would be able to make this dream come true.
  •  I wish i bought an Audi S8, if i had just a better job, i would be able to buy a monster like this.
  • I wish i lived in a bigger house, if my parents make a loan with the bank, we would be able to live in another house.
  • I always wanted to have an iPod, if i stop eating in the university, I would be able to save enough money to buy it.
  • I wish i had the papers to presentate myself in the EE.UU embassy, if i had this papers and the money, i would be able to go to EE.UU and visit my father.
  • I wish i got promoted in my job, if i make an effort, I would prepare for this.
  • I always wanted to have a play station 3, if i obtain good grades this semester, i would be able to have it.

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